Thursday, April 16, 2015

Google Classroom Rocks!

I am using Google Classroom with my third grade PLT group. We hit some bumps the first time we used it - the app would somehow delete students' posts in progress when a friend would publish his post! We switched to the web version and those trials disappeared. I love sharing documents through Google Classroom - no copies necessary and they can't lose the paper! Plus I don't have to store them during the week when I don't meet with them. I like the flexibility of Assignments vs Announcements. I also recently learned about Flubaroo and that is so cool. I don't usually give grades - I usually just give them a rubric, but if I did use grades I would use Flubaroo!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Ted Talk

I love this Mac Barnett Ted Talk! I am so excited he is coming to Silver Lake next year! You can tell he loves children, writing, and has a wonderful sense of humor. Check it out! : )